Family Newsletter - 10-7-24

Monday will be no school, as we celebrate and honor Indigenous Peoples Day and Italian Heritage Day.
  • Please use this link to download the District 21 Middle School and District 21 High School open houses. Families can view the calendar in real time using this link.
  • We have been participating in Urban Advantage for a number of years now. It’s Family Science Day time! This year, they are trying something new. Their eight partner institutions will be holding their Family Science Days (FSDs) throughout the year! This fall, we have FSD at four institutions, one in January, and three in May. During Family Science Days, families will receive FREE admission to UA institutions to participate in hands-on activities, animal demonstrations, plant giveaways, and more! Please see the attached flyer for more information. 
    Families should bring an electronic OR paper copy of this flyer to ANY institution for admission. The Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium require pre-registration.
  • SHSAT registration is now open for students who are looking to take the exam. You can register directly through your myschools account. A letter went home last week with directions on how to register for a myschools account. The deadline to apply for SHSAT is October 18. The test will be administered at Cavallaro October 30. Please reach out if you have any questions.
  • See the attached flyer announcing a celebration dinner for National Hispanic Heritage Month taking place on October 29th, 5:00-8:00pm at Liberation HS.
  • A very special shout out to Ms. Mohassib, Ms. Tobias, and Ms. Chris, who represented Cavallaro at this year’s Middle School Fair at Boody last Monday. Ms. Tobias put together a stellar PowerPoint, and some of our talent teachers provided student work samples to present to 5th grade families. But the ones who really stole the show were our students. They did a phenomenal job of answering questions, providing translation and assisting in the Fair. They made me SO PROUD! ☺️ I always say our students are the reason Cavallaro shines!
  • Our school glowed in blue and orange on Tuesday, to recognize and commemorate National Bullying Prevention Day. In unity and through kindness, we continue to be reflective of the core values we want to see instilled in our students. We also celebrated our custodial staff during National Custodial Appreciation Day. They most certainly have a tremendously difficult and taxing job keeping a building of this size up and running smoothly. Please thank them for all their efforts – they are a great team.
  • Cavallaro sports is kicking off. At this time, permission slips are available during lunch periods for the following activities:
    Early Morning Fitness with coaches Vazquez, Ippoliti and Febbraro. Volleyball with coaches Kasdan and Marku. Soccer with coaches Vazquez and Ippoliti. Boys Basketball with coaches Hall and Zakhary. Girls Basketball with coaches Beard and Abdelwahab. Spirit Squad with coaches Colangelo and Singer. Next week, they will be holding try-outs. If your child is interested in taking part in any of these sports, they MUST have a permission slip signed by you. Again, they can obtain a permission slip by seeing their grade dean during their lunch period. 

Academic Vocabulary Word of the Week: 

10/07/24 – Compare, support

Spanish: Comparar, apoyar

Chinese:  比較、支持

Russian:  Сравнить, Поддержать

Urdu: موازنہ کرنا، حمایت کرنا

Morphology Map



Word Part: 6th Grade

Word Part: 7th Grade

Word Part: 8th Grade


1 & 2

Prefixes: contra- contro- counter-

Prefixes: anti- ant-

Prefixes: -ob- oc- of- op-
Prefix: dia-

Social Emotional Focus Week 5:

6th Grade - Acceptance: Engage with real life scenarios (vignette: new boy); evaluate students’ understanding of acceptance

7th Grade - Cooperation: Apply cooperation strategies in a team setting; evaluate students’ understanding of cooperation

8th Grade - HonestyAnalyze honesty in different situations; evaluate honesty in academic settings

Ms. Bender’s Quote of the Week:

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X


Upcoming Events:
10/10    6:30 pm President's Council Meeting
10/11    Yom Kippur at Sundown "G'mar Chatima Tovah"
10/14    No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples/Italian Heritage Day
10/15    3:00 pm SLT meeting
             5:00 pm PTA Meeting (virtual) - Town Hall Safety Meeting
10/16    National Bosses Day
             6:00 pm CEC Meeting
10/18    School Spirit Day:  Wear It Pink 2024 Breast Cancer Awareness
             Last Day SHSAT registration
10/21    Food Drive Begins
10/22    5:30 - 7:30 pm Open House
10/24    United Nations Day
              pd. 2 Student of the Month Breakfast
              10:00 am - 1:00pm Open House
              NIA Lights on Afterschool
10/25     Senior Day
10/28     3:30 - 5:30 Fall Festival
10/30     Grade Assemblies Diwali Festival of Lights
              SHSAT Testing
10/31     School Spirit Day: Celebrate October dress down
Enjoy your week and your upcoming 3-day weekend!
Ms. Bender