Family Newsletter - 2-24-25

Here is our weekly news:
  • The following is a message from Family Leadership Coordinator of District 21, Georgette Pezzolanti : 
    District 21 is excited to invite you to our virtual workshop on March 4, 2025, starting at 6:00 PM. Registration information is in the attached flyer. The session, titled "The Money Makers" will be presented by Clarence Haynes Jr., the author of three books and featured on PBS, sharing his financial expertise to ensure parents and their children are on a path to financial literacy, security, and freedom.
    Most people don’t need more money, they need to know the right choices to make with the money that they already have. We will share the simple steps you can start taking right now to adopt a new mindset and begin multiplying and growing your money---with the money you already have.
    We hope to see you there! Please register for this virtual workshop.
  • District 21 is excited to share their February 2025 Newsletter with all of you. Please see this link 
  • All students ages 14–24 are invited to apply to participate in the 2025 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), which is now accepting applications for summer 2025 via the general lottery through February 28. For questions, email [email protected].    
  • We are excited to offer Summer Rising once again to NYC students in grades K-8 this summer. Any student attending school in New York City, who is currently in kindergarten through eighth grade (in the 2024-2025 school year) is eligible for Summer Rising. Summer Rising will be closed on Friday, July 4, 2025, in observance of Independence Day.
    Important Dates:
    • March 4, 2025: Application opens in MySchools.
    • March 28, 2025: Application closes in MySchools.
    • April 2025: Offer releases will be available in MySchools.
    • July 2, 2025: Summer Rising starts for K-8 students.
    • July 4, 2025: Summer Rising will be closed in observance of Independence Day.
    • August 8, 2025: Summer Rising ends for middle school students.
    • August 15, 2025: Summer Rising ends for elementary school students.
  • Additional information about the specifics of the program can be found here:
  • Beginning fall 2025, administration of the Specialized High Schools Admission Test (SHSAT) will transition to a digital-based assessment. The SHSAT family-facing webpage has been updated to include information for families about this transition. Digital-based, full-length practice tests for students will be available later this spring.
  • NYC Schools Family surveys were distributed to the students yesterday in green envelopes. The surveys can be returned to Ms. Chris in the main office or mailed out directly. The School Surveys can also be completed on line via this link:
  • In March, we will be offering free dental care for our Cavallaro families through the NYC Smiles program. Certified dental practitioners will be coming to our school on March 4th - 6th to service our students. If you are interested, please complete the attached form and submit it to Ms. DiMatteo in the main office as soon as possible. 

Academic Vocabulary Word of the Week: 

2/24/2025 – Establish, Indicates

Spanish: Establecer, indica

Chinese: 建立、表明

Russian: Установить, указывает

Urdu: قائم کرنا، اشارہ کرتا ہے۔


Morphology Map:
Month: February      
Week:  3 & 4
Word Part 6th Grade- Bases: viv, vit, bio, gen, gener
Word Part 7th Grade- Bases: labor, lud, lus, pati, pass, path
Word Part 8th Grade- Bases: urb, urban, poli

Social Emotional Focus Week 23:

6th Grade – Compassion: Understand the definition of compassion; differentiate between what compassion is and isn’t

7th Grade – DeterminationUnderstand what determination is and isn’t; reflect on personal experiences with determination

8th Grade – IndividualityUnderstand the definition of individuality; differentiate between what individuality is and isn’t


Ms. Bender’s Quote of the Week:

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." – Barack Obama

Upcoming Events
2/24 - 2/28   School Survey for students in Social Studies Class
                     School Survey for families 
2/24   Marking Period 3 begins
2/25 - 2/26   Eye on Education in Library free eye exams
2/25  Grade 7 Traffic Safety Assembly pd 3 & 4
          3:00 pm SLT Meeting
          5:00 pm virtual PTA meeting
2/27   Student of the month breakfast pd. 2- Science
          Senior Day
2/28   School Spirit Day: Celebrate February
          Pd. 3, 4, 5 Black  History Month Assemblies Grades 6, 7, 8
Enjoy your week.
Ms. Bender