Family Newsletter - 3-10-25

Here is the news for the week:
  • As we “Spring ahead” with daylight savings time this past weekend, keep in mind the nicer weather has a tendency of preventing our kids from getting into the building on time. Please be as diligent as possible in monitoring your child's attendance and punctuality to school.
  • Friday, we welcomed back our attendance incentive program in an effort to encourage more students to be present in school each day. We will be raffling off special gifts for students on all three grades who have perfect attendance each week. I do want to take this time to give a special shout out to our Attendance Team and Success Mentors, who have been doing tremendous work with the students and families in an effort to improve our attendance data. We want to see all our kids benefit from the educational environment we have fostered here at Cav. (see gift options)
  • Please ensure that you have scheduled meetings with your child's teachers for Parent Teacher Conferences this Thursday. 1/2 day Student dismissal will be at 11:10am, and conferences will take place as follows: 12:10 - 2:10 & 4:30 - 7:30. Please be reminded that report cards will be distributed tomorrow prior to Parent Teacher Conferences
  • “Eye on Education”, who provide free eye exams and glasses for our kids, will be coming for one more session tomorrow. This is an excellent opportunity for our Cav families to receive necessary eye care and free eyeglasses if their children need. The first round of glasses arrived, and some students had memorable reactions when they tried their glasses on for the first time. If you are interested, this is your last chance for an exam for your child. Please contact Ms. Chris DiMatteo in the main office.
  • NYC Schools Family surveys were distributed to the students in green envelopes. The surveys can be returned to Ms. Chris in the main office or mailed out directly. The School Surveys can also be completed on line via this link:

Academic Vocabulary Word of the Week: 

3/10/2025 – Summarize, Characteristic

Spanish: Resumir, característica

Chinese: 總結、特點

Russian: Обобщение, характеристика

Urdu: خلاصہ، خصوصیت

Morphology Map:
Month: March      
Week:  1 & 2
Word Part 6th Grade- Bases: fort, forc, dynam, dynast
Word Part 7th Grade- Bases: luc, lumin, photo, dei, divin, the(o)
Word Part 8th Grade- Bases: capt, cap, cept, ceive, fer, lat
Ms. Bender’s Quote of the Week:
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace.  One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Upcoming Events:
3/3 - 3/28     Women's History Month Project in Talent
3/12     Eye On Education free eye exams for students
3/12     Game Show Assemblies
            Report Card distribution
            6:00pm CEC meeting
3/13     Purim begins @ sundown
            1/2 day for students 11:10am dismissal
            Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 12:10 - 2:10 & 4:30 - 7:30
3/14     Volleyball Bake Sale
            pd. 4 Student Government Cabinet meeting
3/17     School Spirit Day: wear Green Happy St. Patrick's Day
3/18     3pm SLT Meeting
            5pm virtual PTA Meeting
3/20     First Day of Spring
            School Spirit Day: celebrate spring wear spring colors
            pd. 2 Student of the Month Breakfast deans award for respect
            6:30 pm President's Council meeting
3/21     Senior Day
            Arista National Junior Honor Society Applications Due
3/26     8th grade Picture Day
3/28     School Spirit Day: Celebrate March
             Principal's Honor Roll Ceremony
             Summer Rising Application Closes
3/29     No Saturday Programs
3/31     No School - Eid Al Fitr "Eid Mubarak"
Enjoy the rest of your week and the sunshine.
Ms. Bender